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Term 3 Rich Learning Experiences

Rototuna Junior High —

During the second half of this term, students have been completing learning experiences that have been part of a rigorous feedback and assessment process in their courses.

These Rich Learning Experiences will be evident in Schoology, and at this stage of the semester will be assessed against only SOLO Taxonomy in most cases. This gives us an indication of their depth of understanding mid-way through the course. We encourage you all to log in to Schoology with your children to look at the details of the learning task, the feedback given by the teachers after the first submission, how your child has responded to that feedback to improve on their learning, and their final grade. If you have any questions or issues, you can contact either your child’s Learning Advisor, or the Learning Area teachers directly.

There are some helpful pages on the Schoology Support website for navigating your’s and your child’s Schoology pages - in both the Parents and Students sections. Click here to access the site: https://support.schoology.com/hc/en-us/articles/201000833-Home-Page-Parents-