Hero photograph
New World Sponsorship

New World Rototuna & RHS Update


A HUGE THANK YOU to New World Rototuna and our RHS Community who have been swiping their New World clubcards at our local store!

So far (in only 3 months!) we have already generated $3000 worth of sponsorship in cashback for our schools sporting programmes!! This gives us so much potential to expand resources, develop coaches, and support our students in all of their sporting endeavours! We also have our new uniform in sight which will be unveiled in the coming weeks!

We have nearly 300 cards registered in the scheme, however last month only saw half of them being used. Please if you are in store, or ordering online from our local team remember to swipe swipe swipe!

If you have not yet linked your card to our scheme please do so using this link as soon as possible https://tinyurl.com/zcxam4mc

You will still have access to all other amazing clubcard incentives and rewards!!

Please share this to the rest of our community to get more people involved in helping our schools.

Thank you again to Suresh and the team!