Hero photograph

Uniform Reminder


We are working hard with students to ensure everyone is representing our school wearing the correct uniform with pride and ‘show they belong’.

However as the weather is beginning to cool down, we are noticing an increase in students choosing to wear non uniform items to keep warm. We have multiple options available as part of the Senior High uniform, which is linked on our school website. If a student comes to school wearing non-regulation uniform, our process is:

  • Your student’s kaiārahi (whānau teacher) will check in with your student about why they are in incorrect uniform. (There should be a note from home)

  • A temporary pass given if there is a genuine need

  • Non-regulation items will be swapped out for uniform where possible, as we have a small number of loan uniform items

  • In extreme cases where students repeatedly wear non-regulation items,  contact will be made with home to bring in uniform, or students sent home to change.

We look forward to your support as we work through this process.

We are currently in a transition phase as we are changing our uniform supplier. We are receiving updated stock reports twice weekly and are aware that there are a couple of items not currently available. If you can let us know what items you have not been able to purchase we can offer a short term pass until the new supplier has the stock or we have a range of items available for short term loan. The full stock range will be available from the new supplier from March 24th. Details of where the new store is located will be in our next newsletter.