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External Examinations


NCEA External Examinations and Scholarship Papers will begin on Monday 7 November and conclude on Friday 2 December.

Students are only expected to be on site for their examinations or if their teacher has scheduled an exam tutorial.

Morning exams will start at 9.30am, while afternoon exams will start at 2.00pm. Students are expected to be at their exam at least 30 minutes before it begins with all the equipment that they need.

Students sitting an exam will be given their admission slips on Thursday. It is very important that students bring this admission slip with them to every exam.

An examination assembly was held on Tuesday 25 October for all those sitting exams to explain the rules and regulations around the examination process.

If your child is sick on the day of an exam or is unable to attend the exam, it is very important that they contact the Principals’ Nominee ASAP on pn@rhs.school.nz.

PLEASE NOTE: these are national exams and the date and time stated in the timetable is set by NZQA, not by us. It is impossible to redo these exams or reschedule them for another date.

A link to the Exam Timetable can be found here