RJHS — Mar 8, 2022

At RJHS, we have a shared set of expectations that all students should be following all the time. They are our SOAR expectations which consist of:

S - Strive to do our best.

O - On time, ready to learn.

A - Always using technology as a tool for learning

R - Respect ourselves, others, and our space

Each fortnight we are focusing on one of our SOAR expectations and supporting our students to understand how to follow them. This fortnight we are focusing on ‘O - On time, ready to learn’. We know the positive correlation between students’ attendance and their achievement and so want to ensure our students are in class on time.

School begins at 8:45am (and 9:30am on Wednesdays). Students arriving after this time are considered late. At home, consider what support mechanisms you can put in place to support your child(ren) to arrive on time. It might mean setting alarms, or preparing for school the night before.

As a school, there will be a process that we will follow for those students who show a pattern of lateness. This may mean they will be required to stay after school to catch up on the time and learning lost. We would really appreciate your support and reinforcement at home. Punctuality is an important skill we want all our students to possess before they transition into the workforce. Discussing what would happen at your workplace if you were consistently late could help them to understand the importance of being on time.