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Winter Sport

Winter Sport at Rototuna High Schools

Rototuna High Schools —

Important information regarding winter sport codes

Please read the latest update from School Sports NZ announcing that due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, the national calendar of sanctioned events will be further suspended until 20 July, the beginning of Term 3. This will have an immediate impact on all Winter sports codes.

We support School Sport NZ in recognising the importance of returning to normal activities as soon as possible and the crucial role that school sport plays in contributing to the physical, mental and social health of our young people, while also supporting Government guidelines in keeping NZ and our people safe from Covid-19.

What this will look like for local competitions in the Waikato will depend on how quickly we move down the Alert Levels. Certain codes will be able to return more quickly due to their non-contact nature, whereas most winter sports do involve contact therefore this could take longer. More information regarding possible start dates will be communicated to you as they are released by individual codes.

With the move from Level 4 to Level 3 not allowing for any change to the rules around social contact outside of your bubble, it does open up various recreational activities. Please observe these regulations and keep yourself and your bubble safe. More details regarding these changes can be found in the Sport and Recreation activities at Alert Levels 1-4 and the Play, active recreation and sport at Alert Level 4 and 3.

Sport as we would normally know it at this time of year currently looks vastly different. Using this time to prepare individually for the upcoming winter sports season is important for a multitude of reasons. Mainly it provides a focus on something other than being stuck inside; getting outside can give you a physical and mental release as well as building your overall hauora whilst at the same time as building a base of fitness for your chosen sport.

RHS Teachers in Charge of winter sports will soon be communicating with those who have opted to play a sport this winter with some training advice and sporting challenges. Please take on board and action some, if not all, of their advice. We also want to capture your good work and share this on social media and to aid this, the Sports Department will be offering some prizes for the most committed and creative entries. Please send videos or photos to your coach and/or Teacher in Charge. Please also follow the RHS Sports Facebook page @Rototunasports and Instagram rhssport