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Mathematics Achievement


We have just finished analysing the mathematics results from Semester A and there are lots of positives to celebrate.

We have at least 70% of students in each year group meeting curriculum expectations, peaking with 84% of Year 8 students meeting curriculum targets.

Over the past three years, we have been working hard to reduce the achievement dip we see at Year 9 and 10 and we are proud to say that from Year 7-10 there is no longer a decline in achievement.

We have also been working hard to raise Māori and Pasifika student achievement, and have seen our best first semester results yet with 65% of students working at or above curriculum level targets.

Last week the National Monitoring Study of Student Achievement (NMSAA) was released. This study monitors the achievement of students in Years 4 and 8. Our data compares exceptionally above the national trends. The national data shows that 42% of Year 8 students are meeting expected curriculum expectations, compared with 84% of our students in Year 8. It also shows that there has been a significant drop in achievement for Māori with only 21% meeting curriculum expectations and 15% for Pasifika students.

We are extremely proud of the results, and we expect to see an even higher proportion of students achieving 'at or above' as they track towards meeting the expected standard by the end of the year.