Hero photograph
Remote Learning RJHS
Photo by Andrea Marsden

Learning at Home

Rototuna Junior High —

This week teachers will be asking your child for feedback on what is working well for their distance learning, and whether there are any parts that are more challenging for them. We will be using this feedback to help ensure we communicate clear instructions, help your child understand what learning tasks have been set and what to do if they need help.

We are so lucky to have Schoology as our online learning management system and to have access to tools like Google Meet to stay connected. Please encourage your child to check in with each of their courses on Schoology at the beginning of the week and to record when they have Google Meets, assignments to do, etc. This is a great opportunity for learners to develop self managing systems and habits that work for them. Some may like to use a digital record (i.e. Google Keep or Google Calendar) while other students may prefer a visual, written timetable.

We are really proud of our learners for how they are adjusting to this change in learning. We would like to encourage our learners to show you their Schoology, their learning tasks and talk to you about how they are going. As well, if your child is sitting on a device for long periods of time we would like to encourage them to have regular breaks, go out for some fresh air and have some sort of physical activity throughout the day. Taking care of our wellbeing is key right now.