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Whanau Conferences

Whānau Conferences

Rototuna Senior High —

Whānau Conferences are coming up in Week 5, Term 4 (9th November - 11th November) with the primary focus being an opportunity to reflect upon Semester 2 and the learning that has occurred.

These whānau conferences will look more familiar as they will be on site as we are currently in Alert Level 1. If the alert level changes then we will notify you via email and also on our social media platforms. The days and times for conferences will be:

Monday 9th November & Tuesday 10th November: 1.00pm - 7.00pm

Wednesday 11th November: 1.00pm - 4pm

Bookings can be made with your Kaiārahi / Advisor through our regular School Interviews system. An email was sent out to you on Friday with the appropriate information on how to book. If you are unsure of anything please contact your child's Kaiārahi for support.