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Weekly Plan

Weekly Plan For Remainder of Term 4


Please have a read of our plan for the last few weeks of Term 4

Week 2: 24 - 28 October:

24 October, Monday - Labour Day - no school

25 October, Tuesday - Classes as normal

26 October, Wednesday - Workshops and Exam preparation

27 October, Thursday - Classes as normal

28 October, Friday - The last formal day 

(This will be a half day and then formal study leave will begin.)

The day will run as follows:

  • 8.45 - 11am: Formal farewells with students and staff
  • 11am: Students will be released into study leave from this time unless they are required to stay on for any workshops/tutorials in the afternoon.

All workshop/tutorial timetables can be accessed on Te Hīnaki.

Week 3: 31 October - 4 November

31 October, Monday - Workshops and exam preparation will continue alongside whānau conferences.

1 November, Tuesday - Workshops and exam preparation will continue alongside whānau conferences.

2 November, Wednesday - Workshops and exam preparation will continue alongside whānau conferences.

3 November, Wednesday - Celebrations 

We will be celebrating our achievements this year at the Senior High Prize Giving Evening on 3 November starting at 6.30pm. We recommend pencilling in this date in case your child gets a formal invitation.

Finishing Strong:

Exams will begin Monday 7 November. We recommend students develop a consistent approach to their studies for their exams and we wish them well.