Rototuna High Schools by Ngahuia Photography

Roading Issues & Getting to School

I want to encourage everyone over the next week to take a walk or drive in and around the different roads coming into school.

The Hamilton City Council work on the new Rototuna Village facilities will continue to have a significant impact on access to and from school. At this stage the only entry point for vehicles is from the eastern (Horsham Downs road end) end of Borman road and turning left into Kimbrae Drive.

We have an amazing amount of students who make their own way to school via bike, scooter, skateboard or walking and this is a great option if you can manage this. Meet up with some friends and enjoy this active social time.

For those a little further away there are also a number of Waikato District Council bus services available in both the Flagstaff and Rototuna areas. Again we have a huge number of students who use this option.

If either of these options are new for you then I encourage you to give them both trial run. Escorting your child on their first trip is a great way to remind them of hazards and safe behaviours and it will give you as their caregiver peace of mind too.

Here are direct links to information about the local bus services:

Note that the Rototuna and Flagstaff services list Rototuna High Schools specific routes. These only operate during term time.