Rototuna High Schools


Kia Ora Rototuna whānau,

It is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is Miranda Makin and I feel very privileged to have been given the opportunity to lead this amazing senior school. I have over 25 years experience in a range of secondary schools in a range of leadership roles. Most recently I have been working with the Centre for Educational Leadership at the University of Auckland. I am passionate about the power of education and I am driven by the desire to ensure our young people are enabled to participate in society with dignity, purpose and options.

Monday was a wonderful first day and introduction to the school. Thank you to all the staff, students, parents and community representatives who were there to welcome me so warmly. My family and colleagues were really impressed by the way the students conducted themselves during the pōwhiri, and on their first day back at school!

On behalf of both schools, I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome back everyone to Term 4. I hope you have all had a safe and refreshing break. From the short time I have been here I get the sense that this term will be a hive of activity as we all work to finish this year well. Additionally, I look forward to the possibility of meeting you and your families in person as the term progresses.

Ngā mihi nui,


  1. Pōwhiri for Miranda

    Our New Principal of Rototuna Senior High School - Miranda Makin Read more…
  2. Term 4 Important Dates

    Read more…
  3. Practice Exams

    Rototuna Senior High School has Practice NCEA exams scheduled for Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st October for Years 11-13. Read more…
  4. Wānanga Ako FAQs

    For frequently asked questions re: wānanga ako please have a look at the attachment below Read more…
  5. Senior High Ball - A Secret Garden

    We are on countdown to our Senior School ball! Read more…
  6. Prizegiving

    We look forward to hosting students, whanau and the community at our 2020 Senior High School Prizegiving on Thursday 12th November at ... Read more…
  7. BOT Student Representative

    Following the election on Friday 18th September, Jan Roberts, our Returning Officer, announced that Martine Erasmus, Year 11, has been ... Read more…
  8. Pride Week 2020

    Becoming one of the most important weeks of the year, filled with awareness and support - Pride Week 2020 kicked off with a bang! Read more…

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