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Rototuna High Schools

RJHS Newsletter - Term 1, Issue 2


It has been exciting to see students getting into their Learning Module and Flight Time learning these past 2 weeks. We work hard to design courses of learning that will engage students and help them to understand how what they are learning can be applied to authentic contexts and have a real purpose.

We have also been introducing students to our revamped SOAR expectations. These are the things we expect our students to be able to do on a day to day basis to make the most of their learning opportunities.

In assemblies this week we have been talking about S - STRIVE to have a growth mindset. We encourage students to think about how they can switch from social to learning modes when they come into class, develop or maintain a positive attitude to their learning, follow instructions and complete learning to the best of their ability. The growth mindset of understanding that school is not always easy and learning strategies to push through the challenging times will hold them in good stead for a successful future. In the following newsletters, I will cover O, A and R.

Acknowledging when students have done well and sharing these successes with you continues to be important for us as a school. In the coming weeks, we are going to start using the ‘Recognitions’ function in KAMAR to notice and record when our students are demonstrating the values of SOAR and CLOAK well on a day to day basis. We are working with KAMAR to have these Recognitions added to our fortnightly Class Effort report, so that you can see these accumulate throughout the year. We will continue handing out SOAR certificates in assembly, CLOAK badges and the positive feedback the 3 - 5 grades give you on the Class Effort report.

If your child/young person is new to our school, we invite you to come and meet us on Tuesday 5 March at 6:30pm starting in Te Rangimāreikura (large theatre). After a short introduction from us, you will have the opportunity to head to their Hapū space and meet their Learning Advisor and Hapū Leader. We look forward to seeing you. Please allow plenty of time for parking!


Meet The Hapū

Meet The Hapū


If you are new to our school, come along to our 'Meet The Hapū' evening!

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RJHS Production


Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

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Cell Phone Policy

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by Waikato Regional Council

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