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Rototuna High Schools

RSHS Newsletter Term 2, Issue 1


He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all. Welcome to Term 2 and to the return of our regular school fortnightly communication.

I hope that you are all staying safe in your bubbles and that your young people have relished the opportunity to return to school - albeit in an online way. I know that completely learning online is not what any of us had planned to be doing in 2020, but here we are.

I just want to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work and diligent approach of our staff over the “school holidays”. As professionals, our teaching and support staff have negotiated their way through challenging circumstances to ensure that today we are prepared today to support learning online for all students in our school.

I also want to acknowledge all of you as parents and caregivers. We understand that things have shifted from our norms and we appreciate the support you have given us as your school of choice. Whilst we are not completely aware of what the next few weeks and months may bring us, know that as your school we will do everything we can to provide some balance and learning in your young person’s world.

The most important thing today that I want to remind all families about is that we are here to support you. If you have any queries, need any assistance for your child and their learning then please do not hesitate to contact us. The best point of contact is through the Kaiārahi (Advisory) teacher. In this newsletter you will find key points of information that we feel you need to know as we move forward over the next few weeks, please take the time to go through each section and determine its relevance for you and your family.

As I shared with our young people this morning (see video message), they matter, they are at the forefront of our minds and they are central to our decision making here at Rototuna Senior High School. Please stay safe everyone and know that we are all contributing to our community at the moment by staying home and within our bubbles.

Ngā mihi



Video: Welcome Back to Term 2

A Video Message from Natasha

by Rototuna Senior High

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RHS Remote Learning Guide

Remote Learning Guidelines

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Remote Learning Philosophy

Remote Learning Philosophy

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IT and Device Support

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RSHS Remote Learning Overview

Remote Learning Schedule

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RSHS Personalised Learning Plan

Personalised Learning Plan

by Rototuna Senior High

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