Reporting & Mid Semester Update

Rototuna Senior High β€” April 15, 2020

Prior to the Covid19 lockdown we anticipated being able to publish our Mid Semester Update. In light of the current situation, we wish to clarify where we are at in the process.

The Mid Semester Update will continue to be published and will continue to be in two different forms:

Schoology - Live & Ongoing

  • Progress will continue to be reported against key concepts for learning. These are now live in Schoology and will not be printed and emailed out. You can check on your child’s progress at any time, and in any of their classes. You should be looking in the Gradebook and locating the grade titled Threshold Concept or Threshold Progression.

  • You will receive a minimum of two learning progression updates.

NCEA Progress

  • This Mid Semester Update will include a list of all NCEA entries and results to date.

  • Included will be a printout of external (exam) entries.

  • At the end of Semester 1 (after 29 May 2020), we will publish a final NCEA update for Semester 1 results.

Late last term we indicated that we would be publishing CLOAK Progressions. This was communicated in error. The CLOAK progressions are now covered within Advisory progression which will also be published in Schoology. As a reminder you can review the updated Advisory Curriculum here.

All Mid Semester Updates will be available via the KAMAR Portal with an email to confirm that these have been published.

We aim to have the Mid Semester Update published by Friday 24 April.

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