NCEA Changes - Level 1 NCEA Pilot

Rototuna Senior High is participating in the NCEA Level 1 Pilot of standards for 2023. This is so we can make sure we know NCEA is changing and how these changes may affect our courses in the future.

The pilot requires our school to work with both NZQA and the Ministry of Education (MoE) to ensure our effective implementation of the reviewed standards. We want to make sure we are meeting the requirements of the new standards while continuing to plan rich learning experiences for our young people.

Please note: as part of the NCEA changes, Yr 12 students in 2024 will only be required to obtain 60 credits. This means that the carrying over of 20 credits from Level 1 into Level 2 will no longer apply. RSHS encourages students to work towards quality credits such as Merit and Excellence to show a level of deep thinking (critical, creative and caring).