NCEA Changes - Co-Requisite: Literacy and Numeracy

In line with changes from the Ministry of Education and NZQA, students are required to complete common assessment activities (CAA’s) for Literacy and Numeracy as a co-requisite for their NCEA Qualification from 2024. In readiness for these changes, Rototuna Senior High is piloting these co-requisites.

How it works:

  • Students obtain their co-requisite by participating in three online activity opportunities - one for reading, one for writing and one for numeracy.

  • Each opportunity takes approximately 1-1.5 hours to complete.

  • There are two assessment windows provided to us by NZQA a year - one in June and the other in October.

Students have two opportunities to sit the CAA each year until they obtain these co-requisites. Once a student has achieved each CAA (reading, writing, and numeracy) they do not have to do them again.

For example, a student might sit the numeracy CAA’s in Year 11 but not achieve it. This student has more opportunities to complete the numeracy CAA, obtaining their numeracy co-requisite in Yr 13. The same student achieved the reading and writing CAA’s in Year 11 and did not need to do them again.

This year, all Year 11 students will be participating in the CAA’s for Literacy and Numeracy in June. Selected Year 12 and Year 13 students will also be enrolled into the CAA’s.

Students will continue to be enrolled in the CAA’s until they have obtained all three co-requisites.

Further information will be coming out at the start of Term 2 and leading up to the first assessment window.