At the end of the term, Year 11 and Year 12 students will be coming home with a Course Selection Booklet. Students will have the information they need in order to select their Wānanga Ako for 2021.
To ensure a quality learning experience, students will only need to select ONE Wānanga Ako for the semester and specify which subjects they would like to engage with. Once the students have selected a Wānanga Ako, packages of learning will be presented to Whānau during Whānau conference week (WK5) where students, parents and kaiārahi can co-design the learning experience together based on your child’s needs.
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NCEA Support
Rototuna High Schools — Sep 15, 2020
Our focus continues to be making sure every student leaves school with the highest qualification available to them.
For some, this can occur by the end of a school year. For others, it may be that they need more time. The RSHS NCEA Support Package ensures all students have access to what they need to be successful.
What you will see:
From Monday 21st September: Ahurea in the morning will move over into Achievement Standard workshops and tutorials. This will be in place until students leave at the end of Week 4. Students will be expected to sign up for something every day.
Exam Revision and Internal assessment catch up in Week 5: For those students who are requiring additional support. This will be optional for students and a schedule will be sent out closer to the time.