Rototuna High Schools


As mentioned in our last eNews, I want to share some next steps for us following the review process we have engaged in regarding the structure of our learning programmes. The key changes have been informed by feedback from staff, students and the members of our community who engaged in the review process over the last few weeks.

All module groups will be single year level cohorts. This means modules will be Year 7, Year 8, Year 9 or Year 10. Currently of course they operate as mixed Years 7 & 8 and Years 9 & 10. We believe this change will assist us in transitioning the large number of new students (particularly at Year 7 & Year 9) into the school and at the same time establishing routines and learning programmes more promptly for students who understand our approach and systems. This change will also allow us to be more targeted in our programmes to support and accelerate Year 10s before the transition into NCEA programmes the following year.

Our module structure will revert to the co-taught, two learning area integrated structure we had pre-lockdown. Within this structure we will continue to reflect on ways to ensure there is a good balance between teacher lead instruction and opportunities for students to manage and lead their own learning.

We will retain the Tautoro structure in one line of the timetable for our Year 10 students only. This Tautoro structure will only involve four teachers, though, with either two Mathematics or two English teachers alongside two other learning areas. This will ensure we can offer the opportunity for students to lead their own learning while also having the staff resourcing to support targeted learning at the appropriate level. Our feedback from all groups indicated that the current model of three Tautoro modules was too much, but also suggested a pared down version of Tautoro still offers some real merit in equipping students for higher level learning and allowing students to engage in learning connected to their own passions and interests.

The other change we are making is within the Ahurea block at the start of the day (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri.) from 9am-9.30am. We will still have scheduled Iwi assemblies and waiata during one of these blocks a week (for each Iwi) but the other activities such as fitness, Education Perfect competitions and Reading Miles will be replaced by a more structured mathematics number knowledge and problem solving programme. We aim to make the most of this additional learning time to focus on this identified gap in student knowledge within Mathematics. We know that student recall of basic facts and number knowledge will be valuable in students accessing other areas of learning in Mathematics. While we do focus on these areas currently within modules we believe this change will offer a more coherent approach and free up time within modules to cover other Mathematics learning.

These changes will be in place from the start of next year. We are aiming to further enhance some of the wonderful academic progress and achievement we already see by offering rich and engaging programmes across all levels.

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