Rototuna High Schools

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all.

Semester Two has officially started and it is fantastic to see our school buzzing with enthusiastic and energetic learning. We want our students to reignite their love for learning, to revisit their passions and interests and to delve deep into the areas and subjects they are exploring. Sometimes our students become overly focussed on assessment and whilst qualifications are an important aspect of our journey here at RSHS, it is only one area where we want to challenge our students to learn through.

At Rototuna High Schools, we love that our students can 'walk' in many different pairs of shoes.  The shoes that they 'travel' in should be ones that they select themselves.  Look at what was at our front door this morning from our Primary Industry students.

Thank you to all of our families who attended our whānau conferences online. Under Level 2 restrictions it was always going to be difficult to have people visit school site. We were able to continue this important step in our review and reporting of student progress by going online for the conferences. Whilst this is ideally not how we want to meet, we felt it important to continue our relationship together to ensure your perspectives as family are listened to and heard. In the future we will not be doing all whanau conferences online.

It really is nice to be back into the swing of things here at RSHS.

Ngā mihi


  1. At Rototuna High Schools, we love that our students can 'walk' in many different pairs of shoes. The shoes that they 'travel' in ... Read more…
  2. COVID UPDATE - Alert Level 1

    For us, there will be no major changes to what we are doing and our school continues to be safe to attend, including any staff and ... Read more…
  3. NCEA - Updated Information

    Students and schools have experienced real disruption to teaching, learning and assessment because of COVID-19, with some affected ... Read more…
  4. RSHS Manukura - Student Leaders

    We are pleased to congratulate and introduce our Manukura (Student Leaders). Read more…
  5. Uniform

    Winter is not coming, it is here. Please support us by ensuring that your child has a warm uniform to come to school in and to wear ... Read more…
  6. BOT Parent Representative

    Our current Board is considering the co-option of an additional parent representative; Read more…

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