Rototuna High Schools


We have had a very successful start to the school year over the past 2 weeks. Our new students had the first 2 days to settle in and learn about us. They also took part in a bus tour on Thursday or Friday to visit the areas of significance to us, our haka and mana whenua Ngāti Wairere. Athletics was well enjoyed by those students who attended, several records were broken and we can now select our team for Zone Athletics. We’ve had several successful Year 7 River Hop trips and have more in the coming week. Thank you to the parents who have accompanied these trips to ensure they can happen.

The Semester 1 timetable is nearly complete and most student’s timetables should be uploaded by the end of today. It is a good time to remind students that they will have received one of their ‘top’ choices, from the many available to choose from. This mindset goes a long way towards avoiding students being disappointed they didn’t get their ‘first’ choice. Our timetable does it's upmost to ensure students get one of the top choices, while working within the constraints of maximum feasible class numbers and ensuring students have broad and balanced curriculum coverage. The only way for us to avoid this process is for us to offer no choice to students and feedback from our community is that you value students being able to select courses that interest them.

In March this year, we are hosting a number of students from Makuhari Junior High School, located in Japan. We need more homestay families to welcome a Makuhari student into their homes for their time here (you are remunerated for this). We are in the process of setting up some new relationships with international schools, with the intention of having exchanges with these schools. If you host a Makuhari student, your child will be prioritised for future upcoming exchanges. Details on how to sign up to host a student can be found further into this newsletter.

It is good to see so many students at the end of the day making use of the new expanded crossing to make their way across Kimbrae Drive and continuing on to walk, bike or scooter home. The new in-lane bus stops in front of the school have also been a success so far. If you are picking your child up in a personal vehicle, please follow the instructions in THIS VIDEO on where to best pick up your child - regardless of which of the 2 schools they are in. The council have extended the island on Kimbrae Dr to prevent right turning into the WEST pick-up zone, therefore it must be approached from Bourne Brooke Drive. Similarly, due to the queue of traffic that occurs at the EAST pick-up at the end of the day, we are preventing left turning into this one, as it causes cars to queue in the lane and blocks through traffic. Following these guidelines will help prevent angst at a busy time of the day, and help keep all students and whānau safe.

  1. Athletics Day Results

    Monday 5th February was an amazing showcase of colour and action from our Junior High and Senior High athletes as they took part in ... Read more…
  2. Welcome To Our New Deputy Principal - Michael Tan

    We are very pleased that our new Deputy Principal, Michael Tan, has now relocated to Hamilton and has started the year with us. Read more…
  3. Important Term 1 Dates

    Please find below some important dates for Term 1. Read more…
  4. Attendance and Early Sign Outs

    Please read the following important information re our attendance procedures and if your child/ren needs to leave school early. Read more…
  5. myKindo - Important Information

    Thank you to all our families who have signed up with Kindo. If you haven't signed up as yet, can you please do this ASAP as this is ... Read more…
  6. 2024 Student Music Lessons

    Registrations are now open for itinerant music lessons (weekly music lessons held at school). Read more…
  7. Sign up to help our programmes!

    We have had a tremendous amount of support from our community swiping their club cards regularly and due to your shopping we have ... Read more…
  8. Makuhari Homestay Placements Needed

    RJHS are hosting 20 students from Makuhari Junior High School from 7 - 19 March. We are looking for homestay placements for these ... Read more…
  9. Invitation To Our Whare Opening

    Read more…
  10. Woolworths Message

    Woolworth's aim for 2024 is to support schools and the community in keeping students safe. To do this, they are therefore introducing ... Read more…