Rototuna High Schools

A Final Korero From Natasha

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all.

As we head towards the end of this term, I just wanted to share with you the amazing learning that has been happening in school. The shift from modules to wānanga ako has been important in our constant pursuit to see our learners engaged as real decision makers in their learning. Our staff and students have negotiated this new space admirably and the fruits of all of that hard work is instantly being seen with students really excited and interested in the learning that they are doing.

The building really has been humming with enthusiasm and it was great to see our projects fully in flight once again, with students returning to contributing in the community today. The last few months have provided us with some challenges but once again our young people have demonstrated their resilience and have returned to their learning with renewed vigour and focus.

With all of this excitement going on I am also feeling a little melancholy. I am saddened that this is my last newsletter that I will write as the Senior High School Tumaki/Principal. It has been an exciting journey and wonderful experience to have worked with you all in this community of Rototuna. As an educator I am exceptionally proud of what this school stands for and for the high quality teaching and learning that is undertaken here at Rototuna High Schools. This place really has been a home for me and I feel as though the students and staff have really been my family. I will miss this place immensely but I know it is time for me to move on and support my own family and to contribute to my hometown. The school is in excellent hands with Megan Barry (Acting Principal) whilst the BOT undertakes their appointment process for the new Principal.

It has been an honour and a privilege and whilst I will not be here in person, know that I will always be supporting this school and watching from afar.

Ngā mihi


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