Rototuna High Schools


Poipoia te kaakano kia puaawai - Nuture the seed and it will bloom

This week I am expressing thanks to all students who have taken up the opportunities provided by our kura, and have bloomed as a result. In assembly this week I have asked students to indicate if they have been awarded a CLOAK badge, a SOAR award or celebration, or have participated in an academic, cultural or sporting activity this year. Nearly every student was able to raise their hand.

We have awarded a record number of silver and gold CLOAK badges this year. As of this week, we have had 80 silver badges and 19 gold badges.

I appreciate each and every one of these students pushing themselves to be involved, for trying their best, and taking up the opportunities being offered to them. For some, this comes naturally and they are always looking for ways to be more involved. For others, they are putting themselves outside their comfort zone. I want to show my gratitude. Being involved in the school this way strengthens our school culture and provides a richer schooling experience.

It is starting to feel like we are heading towards the end of the year, planning farewells, assemblies, prize givings and the Year 10 Formal. We look forward to celebrating many wonderful students at these occasions.

Last Saturday we had our annual RHS Craft & Creations Market Day at school. A huge thanks to our volunteer RHS PTA organisation for their tireless efforts on the Market Day and other events they offer throughout the year. Every cent they raise comes back to the school to benefit all students, so if you would like to join this fabulous group of parents, and have a laugh and a bit of fun while thinking of ways we can further build community, please contact to see how you can be involved.

  1. Gold Badge Recipients

    Congratulations to Ayla Gillies, Varshaa Sudhakar and Winnie Liang - our latest Gold Badge recipients! Read more…
  2. Important Term 4 Dates

    Please find below some important dates for Term 4. Please note the Staff Only Day on Monday 13 November. Read more…
  3. Individual Education Meetings (IEMs)

    Bookings are now open for our 2023 Semester 2 IEMs Read more…
  4. KINDO

    We are excited to announce that from Monday 6 November, Kindo will be going live. Read more…
  5. Restore, Restorative & Giving Back at RJHS

    Rototuna Junior High School is a Restorative Practice school. This means that we work with students when they don't get things right, ... Read more…
  6. Community Consultation - Māori and/or Pasifika Whānau

    The Rototuna High Schools Board are developing their vision and plan for the school over the next two to three years. Read more…
  7. Carpark Works - Phase 3 (Final Phase)

    Our construction team will be handing over Phase 2 (the new drop off and pick up bays at The Peak end of the school) and commencing ... Read more…
  8. Wanted! Homestay Families for 2024

    Please see attached image for more information. Read more…
  9. Gumboot Friday & Non Uniform Day

    We will be joining in and supporting I Am Hope for Gumboot Friday, 3 November! Read more…