Art Students

Art Celebrations

The Visual Art Departments at Rototuna High Schools are proud to share the delightful news of some art students' participation in forthcoming art exhibitions in the Waikato area.

The following students' artwork will be up on display for public viewing at the Swallow Art Gallery, 378 Grey Street, Hamilton East. 

Shania Chanas (Y13), Sarah-Grace Young (Y10), Olivia Spaans (Y11), Rachel Wu (Y10), Emma Liu (Y10), Blair Wang (Y8), Diya Thangavadivel (Y10) and Amy Hou (Y11).

The show will open on TUESDAY 5 JULY, 5:30pm - 7:00pm

@ Welcome Swallow Art Gallery, 378 Grey Street, Hamilton East (opposite Babaganush).

Come out and support these talented artists along with your whānau and friends.

And other wonderful news, two Y11 Photography students Annabelle Mackie and Amirah Allana Lecciones' artworks have been selected for the Waikato Youth Art Awards Show In August.

We congratulate all the participating art students and wish them all the best!

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