Cellphone Policy

Cell Phone Reminder

To comply with government regulations, students must not use cellphones during school hours, including break times, unless they are required for specific educational purposes approved by a teacher or for approved health or disability/learning support needs.

For this reason,  students must be prepared to put their phones away for the day (turned off in their bags all day, including break times, or leave at home). Please support us, by encouraging your young person to keep their phone away during the school day. If you need to urgently reach your child, contact the school at 07 854 0541 instead of their phone.

During Lessons

Students may be allowed to use their phone for learning purposes if their teacher has given them permission. If this is the case the teacher will be displaying a card on the whiteboard with names of students or stating the use for a  whole class activity. If a student is using a cell phone during class without permission, a teacher will remind them of our expectations and ask them to put it away or put their phone in a lockable pouch given to the student to look after.

During Break Times

Students are not allowed to use phones during break times. To help our students make the right decisions and keep their phones in their bags, duty teachers will remind them of our expectations and to put them away or put their phone in a lockable pouch given to the student to look after.

Students will be able to get the pouch unlocked by the teacher at the end of the day. Over this time it is the students responsibility to look after the pouch and their phone. We will seek parent help  to recover any costs if  intentional damage is done  to pouches when in a student’s possession so we can purchase a replacement.  The cost of a replacement pouch is $50.00.

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