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Rototuna High Schools

RSHS Newsletter - Term 3, Issue 2


Nga mihi maioha ki a koutou katoa, warm greetings to you all

Learning experiences are in full swing in the Senior High School. The beginning of every Term 3 is an important time for students to settle in and focus on their learning experiences, and even more so this year. It has been a pleasure to see high levels of engagement and focus from our students in their endeavour to achieve both personal and academic excellence. Certainly as we near the end of year, NCEA continues to be a strong focus and I want to acknowledge your support as we work through settling into our new post-COVID ‘normal’. We are working closely with students to ensure that NCEA outcomes are in line with their goals and aspirations for academic success.

As a school, our focus continues to be on quality and meaningful outcomes for all learners. This means that every student is focused on and working towards outcomes that are connected to who they are and where they see themselves in the future. Pathways focused education means that students, whānau and school need to work closely together to ensure successful outcomes are achieved. I want to encourage you to connect with your child’s Kaiārahi (Advisor) whenever you would like to discuss your child’s learning journey.

At this time of the year it is even more important that students continue to focus on all curriculum learning experiences. Each curriculum area is designed to support students to achieve both academic and personal success. Advisory, Projects and Wānanga Ako are all an integral part of the learning experiences at RSHS. I want to encourage you to speak with your child about their learning experiences, not only their NCEA entries but also the tricky, troublesome or powerful learning moment for them. Discuss how they are developing CLOAK skills and capabilities and seek to understand how they are making an impact in their community. These are all things we work to develop in our young people, and with your help they can be prepared for their futures.

Ngaa mihi,



Cross Country

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Policy and Procedure Review

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