Rototuna High Schools


Our last issue for the term. Thanks for everyone’s amazing contribution to another challenging term for us all. It is nice to be back to Level 1 and we hope we can increasingly see us all get back to a more normal state both at school, work and home. It is brilliant that our sports camp has been able to happen and we have a range of winter sports finishing over the next few days so it will be nice for them to have plenty of sideline support again. A special mention to our dance groups who attended Nationals last weekend and performed brilliantly, our Cheerleading group who did well in Auckland at the 2020 Spring Carnival and Schools’ Spectacular competition placing second. Our JHS Kapa Haka also performed brilliantly last week during the WIMs Kapa Haka festival which was held online.

We had some great news from the MOE at the start of last week that we will be receiving some additional temporary learning spaces next year. These modular learning spaces will hopefully be here at some stage early next year and will ease our space issues substantially until we have our new permanent buildings built. I will let everyone know when we have more of a firm timeline on these.

  1. Term 3 Rich Learning Experiences

    During the second half of this term, students have been completing learning experiences that have been part of a rigorous feedback and ... Read more…
  2. Important Dates - Term 4

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  3. (CORRECTED) Teacher Only Days in Term 4

    Next term it is our intention to use two of the eight teacher only days available to us following the teacher collective agreement ... Read more…
  4. Intentions for 2021

    It is that time of the year again when it is critical for us to know if your child/ren will not be returning to us in 2021. Read more…
  5. Bike Safety Reminder

    It’s wonderful seeing so many of our students biking to school and we would like to remind our students to be safe while biking: Read more…
  6. BOT Student Representative

    Following the election on Friday 18th September, Jan Roberts, our Returning Officer, announced that Martine Erasmus, Year 11, has been ... Read more…
  7. RHS Has Talent Finals

    7pm on Friday the 23rd of October at RHS’s Te Rangimāreikura theatre. Read more…
  8. Policy and Procedure Review

    As part of our school triennial Policy and Procedure review process this term the Board of Trustees would like you to engage with ... Read more…

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