We have had a group of students from our 'NATIVE' Puna Wānanga volunteering at the Gully and onsite groups making their own paper from Post It notes taken from Staff’s professional learning; 'ECOPRODUCT' have been out investigating recycling and our 'FLIGHT' students had their first taster of teaching in the Junior High School Flight times (that they have aligned with) delivering their Ko Wai Au (Who Am I)?
With the Design Thinking process, which consists of five key stages, students are in the midst of discovering what they can do as a potential project. They are linking their 'how might we statement', as well as interpreting the information they have to narrow down the best choice for a project that truly fits the needs of the community that they wish to impact. This will then lead into ideating how they are going to achieve this.
Students are going to be able to share their thoughts and ideas at our upcoming Tuna Tank (similar to Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den) where they will be able to receive expert advice and further guidance on their project's learning journey.