Rototuna High Schools


Welcome back to Term 4, everyone. I hope you have all had a positive break as we prepare ourselves for what will be a busy run into Christmas.

The next few weeks are of course very important ones in terms of student learning and reporting to whānau and it is also an important time of preparation for the 2021 year. As part of our preparation for next year, we are going to do an in depth review of our learning programme structure and outcomes. We want you to be able to contribute to this review and give us your perspective on how the learning programme structures in the JHS are working for the young people in your house that you entrust to us. Below is an online survey form that we would appreciate you considering and completing. Your feedback will be considered alongside a range of data (achievement, pastoral and attendance) we have and feedback from staff and students also. This is a genuine attempt by us to ensure we are doing the best we can for all learners and our community and we want to hear from you.

Please take 5 minutes to give us your perspective:

Learning Programme Review Form for Whānau

The two teacher only days that are approaching are an important part of this review process and will allow us to gather perspectives from staff, consider feedback and develop our plan for next year. Please note the dates of these below.

  1. Reminder - Teacher Only Days in Term 4

    We have two teacher only days coming up this term. Read more…
  2. Important Dates - Term 4

    Read more…
  3. A Message From Our Community Policing Team

    We work closely with our local community policing team on a variety of fronts, mostly to support our young people who can be making ... Read more…
  4. Students NOT Returning in 2021 - Please Advise

    If your child is NOT returning to RHS next year and you have not already filled in the form below, please could you take a minute to ... Read more…
  5. RJHS Yearbook - Fundraiser

    We are excited to share with you our 2020 Rototuna Junior High School Yearbook later this term! Read more…
  6. Prizegiving - Save The Date!

    Our Junior Prizegiving is coming up soon - Read more…
  7. Grocery Raffle for Market Day 2020

    Market Day is fast approaching - Saturday, 28 November. We will be collecting grocery items for our annual amazing grocery raffle ... Read more…
  8. MUFTI DAY - Friday 30 October

    To support the end of Spirit Week at our Senior High, we will be joining Senior High in a mufti day on Friday, 30 October. Gold coin ... Read more…

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