Iwi Update

The Senior High School will have a new Iwi for 2021

The new Iwi will be called Haumi. We have created this fourth Iwi due to roll growth and as part of our strategic plan as the Senior High School grows. The Iwi will have a new Kaihautū (Iwi Leader), this will be Libby Waddell. We welcome Libby to the Kaihautū role and know that she will bring some complementary strengths to the Kaihautū team.

With the creation of a new Iwi it also means that some students have been moved into different whānau groups and will move Iwi. We have tried to keep movement of students limited to those that were willing, however, in some cases movements are necessary to ensure a quality learning experience is had by all. The Kaihautū will inform any students and their whānau affected by changes. 

We are also currently in the process of adding the 2020 Year 10’s to their new Whanau (Advisory) groups and the Year 10’s will be in their new groups for Transition week starting 30th November. More information re Transition week will be emailed out soon.