Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Nau mai hau mai, welcome everyone - Word from the Tumuaki/Principal

The Rāroan —

Ngā mihi nui kia koutou katoa, happy new year and welcome to our 2024 Whānau.

Kia ora tatou, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Fakalofa lahi atu, Kia orana, Ia Orana, Bula vinaka, Namaste, Mauri, Taloha ni, Aloha, Halo ola geta, Kamusta, Groete, Χαιρετίσματα, Insamal, Wènhòu, Haikei.

I hope that everyone has had a lovely summer break, you got the opportunity to enjoy some quality family time and had a range of fun adventures.

It was wonderful to welcome our new ākonga / students and whānau at our Mihi Whākatau. Thank you to all those who attended.  As I mentioned on the day, it is super exciting seeing everyone arrive and for students to finally settle into their classes.   The team worked extremely hard to liaise with families and contributing schools to help us provide a smooth integration into our school and it is great to see the mahi reach fruition.

Thank you to all the parents who attended our ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions yesterday. Our teachers found the sessions extremely useful and commented on the positivity and appreciation from parents, for this I am extremely grateful.  

You will be more than aware that there is new legislation and regulation prohibiting the use of phones at school. There has been a great deal of attention and focus on this new initiative. We have outlined our systems in this Rāroan. However, in a nutshell, we communicated ‘no phones during the day’ and there have been ‘no phones during the day.’ Thank you for your support and understanding.

I am really looking forward to a wonderful year with another fantastic group of students

Ngā mihi, kind regards,

Stephen Eames

Tumuaki / Principal