Hero photograph
Photo by The Raroan

Team 5 Overnighter

By Lara, Kate, Jess and Laila Room 21 and 22 —

Swerving into the gravel, we got our first glimpse of the Paekakariki Holiday Park, our home for the next two days. The hot sun was beating down over the campsite, now swarming with excited campers. It was Monday 27th of February, the first day of what was to be an incredible overnighter. 

Tents are obviously one of the biggest parts of camping. We all rushed to find the biggest and most sheltered spot and, for those who didn't well, it was going to be an uneasy sleep for them.

In no time, the sweltering heat was too much so we grabbed our bags and headed to the beach. Waves pounded the shore and bits of driftwood and shells washed up, giving it a jagged appearance.

We all went our different ways, some to do beach art, some to build boats and some just to splash around in the waves. First up for Room 22 were surf life saving games. We played a game called flags, and then have a splash in the rippling water. Following that, we made huts out of driftwood and anything we could salvage from the beach. Pumice and shells made for great decorations, so much so that our huts looked good enough to live in!! After that we had a scavenger hunt that led us all over the campsite. Finally, we had boat racing. Wading through the icy water was nice on on our burning feet although we were surprised to find that the slimy inhabitants of the creek were quite friendly.

At last! The time we had all been waiting for… DINNER TIME !!

Grabbing our ingredients, we started cooking. Lots of careful planning led to a chaotic but enjoyable meal. Corn Chips, veggies, pasta and camp cookers were strewn across the field but most campers were sitting with smiles on their faces and full bellies.

After half an hour of free time we headed to Queen Elizabeth Park to play SPOTLIGHT!!! Lights were flashing, kids dive rolling across the park and everyone was shrieking with delight.

Finally, after a milo, we settled into our sleeping bags after a long, exciting day. Boy, we couldn’t wait for the morning!!!

As the sun shone down on our Paekakariki Campsite, Team 5 began to cook breakfast. The mixed aroma of pancakes, sausages, sweet maple syrup and salty bacon filled the air. Some cooked pancakes and others watched sausages slowly turn dark brown. The call came to watch out, don’t get too close to the gas cookers or the sizzling and spitting oil would sting legs. With the last remnants of sticky pancakes eaten and the last dishes washed we were ready for a walk.

With school bags packed and drink bottles filled, we headed off. Walking alongside the beach on hills like the waves down below, we reached a halt at a small opening near the beach. Munching on our fresh fruit and cookies, we rested before carrying on down a path to the beach. The smell of the salty sea and the seagulls squawking high above us, we arrived at at the beach. Seeing the bright, blue sea with giant sand dunes hiding us, we felt isolated from the rest of the world. Soon, we arrived at the endless creek leading into the sea. The teachers told us that we have 45 minutes of complete fun ahead of us. Some of us do the activities that we did in the rotations yesterday. Swimming in the icy cold water, making unstable beach huts, burying each other in the sand or making cool beach art. Sadly the time went very fast and soon we were back at the campsite having lunch.

The line trailed on and on for the luscious, juicy, bulging burgers. Surprisingly, the line moved faster than expected. There was an array of beautiful condiments to supplement our burger. Lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, beetroot, mayo, tomato and barbecue sauce. Anything you wanted, it could be on your burger. The taste was amazing! Once everyone had finished tidying up the corners of their messy mouths, it was time to pack up. Bags loaded onto the buses and soon their owners followed.

Everybody was sad to leave but soon forgot as they fell asleep but a few still decided to watch Back To The Future! As the bus swerved back into Raroa Park, everybody walked drowsily off the bus.