Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Police Vetting for Camp

The Rāroan —

As part of compliance protocols we at Rāroa Normal Intermediate are required to have all our volunteers, including parents police vetted under the criteria of the Vulnerable Children’s Act 2014.

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have filled in their forms and brought their 2 forms of ID into the school, in preparation for going to Makahika Camp with their children's class.

If you still need to do this, we would appreciate it being completed as soon as possible. There is a 20 working day turnover time to get these finalised with the police, so we don't want to cut it too fine for parents to be able to attend camp.

If you have any queries please contact Clare Forrest on c.forrest@raroa.school.nz 

Ngā mihi nui