Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Library Update

The Rāroan —

The library stocktake has started, we have closed the library at morning teas and lunchtimes as it is full of textbooks and devices and things are looking decidedly messy!

So it's time to get all the books back from our Year 8s, and also get great holiday reads into the hands of our Year 7s, so they can keep themselves entertained over summer and prevent the summer slide.

Year 8 students

At the time of writing this today there are still over 180 books issued to Year 8 students that need to come back to the library. There are not that many days to go and with Week 8 being elective week we know that it is hard to remember about the mundane stuff, like returning your books.

Please, please can parents of Year 8s especially, help their children look for their books at home (if they are not at school) and encourage and assist them to return these books to the library. The library is open for returning books and will be until the last day.

We don't want to have to invoice parents for the cost of any of these books but we may have to if the losses are deemed too great.

Year 7 students

Year 7 students returning to Raroa next year can keep getting books out until the very last day. They need to return or renew their overdue books however - the library will be open to do this until the very last day.

Please fill in the Summer Reading form to get some hand picked choices for your holiday reading.