Hero photograph
Photo by The Raroan

Kia ora Horouta Marae, Aotea ...

By Mia Woodley & Trinity Donkin —

Our students got to experience a wonderful couple of days!

Ngā mihi ki a koutou,

Te Rangatahi O Rāroa kapa haka spent Monday and Tuesday visiting Horouta Marae as part of the beginning of our performance season. We spent the night at Horouta Marae after a day of workshops around nga toi, kemu, mau rakau and poi. We enjoyed the kai and the fried bread we helped to make the following day. On Tuesday our tamariki went to Porirua pool before we went to visit Mana College in Porirua, where their senior students ran six workshops based around many aspects of ngā taonga tākaro (traditional Māori games). We shared kai and moved on to Brian Webb Kindergarten in Tawa to hang out with some younger tamariki including Oscar & Scarlett Tilley and share waiata. We sang our school waiata and a few songs that they joined in at the end.

From a student's perspective “it was an awesome experience, filled with lots of learning and fun activities”

The kaiako who shared this event with us say that it was wonderful seeing the students engage with many forms of learning and show persistence and collaboration. Students felt it was a step up from previous kapa haka experiences, with awesome team building time.

It was incredible to work alongside the kaiako that came with us; Whaea Liz, Whaea Bridget, Matua Kayne.  Matua Ethan, Whaea Joanne and Matua Stacy deserve the huuuugest hūrei!!!  For being the best kaiako, arohanui.

Overall we can say on behalf of Te Rangatahi o Rāroa that they really enjoyed their stay at the Noho Marae ki Horouta, and would intend to do it again.