The Rāroan — Jun 29, 2022

Next term Rāroa will hold a 90’s themed school disco.

This is a great opportunity for our tamariki to socialise, have fun and celebrate the half-way mark of 2022. As a Kura we are committed to ensuring 'ALL' students have the opportunity to 'Aspire' and have access to a range of opportunities.This disco will raise money to support those students' whānau that require some financial support to participate in school activities (ie. camp, AIMs games, electives etc). 

This is going to be held in the school hall on Wednesday 3rd August (Week 2, Term 3), 5.30pm-7.30pm.

Tickets: $5 (are available for purchase via your Kindo account) - If you would like to make a donation other than the purchase of a ticket, please use the Donation to School Disco fundraiser item via Kindo OR deposit an amount into the school bank account ASB 12-3223-0077412-00 using Disco Fundraiser as your reference.

Food: There will be food and drink available for sale (more information to come)

Image by: The Rāroan