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Photo by The Rāroan

Harnessing ChatGPT through Creative Media

The Rāroan —

Our specialist teachers are often on the cutting edge of implementing new technology into their learning programs. This week, student’s in Performing Arts and Creative Media were able to make use of ChatGPT to develop their ideas into film scripts and scenes from plays.

ChatGPT has been in the media over the past few weeks, but what is it and how can this tool be used to support learning? ChatGPT can be a useful tool for generating creative ideas and streamlining the writing process.

ChatGPT is a computer program that uses artificial intelligence to have conversations with people. It does this by looking at a lot of written text and learning how words and sentences are put together to make conversations. When you ask ChatGPT a question or give it a prompt, it uses what it has learned to generate a response. It tries to make its answer sound like something a human might say based on the patterns from the text it was "trained" on.

ChatGPT can be used to generate scripts for various types of content such as screenplays, TV shows, plays, or even video game scripts. The process typically involves providing a prompt or a context to ChatGPT and then having it generate text in response. 

In class, students have been using it to generate a script for an idea they have had by providing a brief synopsis of the scene’s concept and then asking ChatGPT to generate dialogue for that scene. The generated dialogue can be used as a starting point for further development and refinement by a human writer. 

It's important to note that while ChatGPT can generate coherent text and exhibits some degree of creativity, it is not a replacement for human writers. Students were able to edit and refine their dialogue to craft a script that most accurately reflected their initial ideas. 

ChatGPT in action — Image by: The Rāroan