The Rāroan — Jul 27, 2022

Rāroa students have worked with KiwiRail and Learnz to help create and spread messages about rail safety.

This week, our kura was visited by representatives from Learnz and Kiwirail to work with them to create rail safety messages designed to help keep kiwi kids safe. 

Over several weeks in Term 2, Dylan McGregor, Dylan Saywell, James Mooney, Lily Carman and Sophie Young worked with a team at Learnz to design and plan a short video about rail safety for one of their online field trips. This week the film crew came out and began filming with the students. We look forward to seeing the final result in the coming weeks!

Meanwhile, Room 20 and Mr. Boucher's Whakareinga group were visited by Kiwirail to try out new software that promotes rail safety. This included virtual reality programmes and gamification of using a video game engine. Awesome opportunities for our students, and a wonderful contribution from our kids to students around the country!