The Rāroan — Aug 3, 2022

The Wellington Samaritans’ Annual Street Appeal has been cancelled for the second year in a row because of Covid. The cancellation will hit us hard financially as it is our largest fundraiser of the year.

Samaritans does not receive Government funding, and we had a goal of raising $20,000 from the Appeal. We have made the challenging decision to hold an Online Appeal. The Appeal will be held on the 12th and 13th of August 2022.

The mission of Samaritans is to reduce deaths by suicide. We are an iconic community organisation helping Kiwis from all over New Zealand with their mental health. Every year we answer up to 20,000 calls, and many of our callers express suicidal thoughts. Covid 19 has increased people’s anxieties and hardships, and every call we answer provides the opportunity to make a significant difference in someone’s life.

Donations fund our core mahi of providing a helpline free of charge to anyone who needs a listening ear.

You can help us by:

Donating online at our secure website

Sharing our Facebook event

Forwarding this email to your network of family, friends, and colleagues.

A heartfelt thank you for supporting Wellington Samaritans.