Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Public Transport

The Rāroan —

A few things to consider if your child travels to school via bus or train.

For many of our students, travelling to school by bus or train is a big milestone when starting Intermediate School. This is the start of a new era independence for them, and some much-needed time and convenience for their parents! 

At Rāroa we are always working to ensure that our students are safe and looked after. Though public transport is outside of the school's realm of control, we do everything we can to keep them safe when arriving to school and leaving at the end of the day. We have staff looking out for them, and are in constant contact with Metlink about the needs of our students on busses and trains. 

Unfortunately, Wellington public transport is not famous for its reliability. Please make a contingency plan with your child in case of disruption to their usual school commute. Students are always welcome to come to the school office and contact parents from there, and our staff are happy to keep them warm and dry while they wait. If you are seeing regular disruptions to services, please let us know and we will speak to Metlink about it.

Kia kaha, and stay safe out there!