Hero photograph

Happy Holidays - Word from the Tumuaki/Principal

The Rāroan —

As we conclude the term, we reflect on another successful ten weeks. Everyone's drive and determination to reach the end of term, remaining positive and enthusiastic, has been inspiring. Students are definitely embodying the school vision of ASPIRE, as they grow and achieve here are Rāroa. We are immensely proud of their achievements and look forward to continuing this momentum into the next term.


A – Actively Involved

S – Skilful & Inquisitive Thinkers

P – Persistent

I – Independent:

R – Respectful

E – Enjoying ourselves

Student Reporting - HERO

Access to your child's learning is always available. You can view where they sit in regards to the expected level for their year group. An initial overall teacher judgment is made at the beginning of the year, based on information gathered from contributing schools and a range of assessments. Then adjusted at the middle and end of the year. 

Mid Year Reports are in the process of being finalised and moderated. They will be live to view early next term and will complement the mid year conference in week two.  I believe some of the most valuable content on HERO comes from your kids. Please take the time to read through their reflections and learning stories. A comment or thumbs goes a long way to acknowledge student and teacher efforts. More information on reporting and conferences are contained in this Rāroan. 

Ngā mihi nui

Stephen Eames

Principal / Tumuaki