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School Donation

The Rāroan —

The school donation is voluntary, but any donation makes a huge difference in what we can offer our students. A BIG THANK YOU to those families who have already made donations, we are extremely grateful for your support! If you would like to make a donation but are yet to do so, please read on for further information and for easy payment options.

The school donation at Rāroa Normal Intermediate is $255 per student. As it is a donation the amount is up to you and voluntary. If this amount is a stretch feel free to adjust it accordingly. At the same time if you feel you could contribute more, please also feel free to adjust the amount. The school office will generate a tax receipt for any donation amount of which you can then claim 1/3 back from the IRD.

Payments can be made:

● Via your Kindo account, amounts can be adjusted to fit your budget.

● By direct credit to the school bank account - Rāroa Normal Int School - ASB 12-3223-0077412-00 Ref: your child's surname/DON.

We appreciate your support.