School Board Update
The School Board Meeting took place on Monday the 25th June.
The Student Executive Council
The Student Executive Council is made up of 14 Students. At Monday’s meeting six of the students attended. They articulated what they value at Rāroa and what they would do if they were Board Members. Everyone appreciated their voice at Board level, particularly their honesty, ideas and contributions to the meeting. They presented their thoughts with confidence and clearly articulated their joy of Rāroa, the opportunities they get and made special mention of their teachers as well as giving advice and guidance on areas they believed required attention.
2023 Audit Report
The 2023 Draft Audit Report to the Board in connection with the audit was received and reviewed. The Board were really pleased with such a positive report and acknowledged the staffing team for all their work.
Updated Policies
Previously the Bullying policy was for students and the Harassment policy for staff. Schooldoc have now combined these to show that bullying and harassment can involve students, staff, and other members of the school community. Schooldoc have added policy definitions for bullying and harassment. This includes content from previous Racial Harassment and Sexual Harassment topics. The separate two topics as individuals have been removed.
Concerns and Complaints Policy - Based on legal advice, this policy and its associated procedures have been updated to emphasise the school's assessment and response to concerns and complaints.
The policy no longer includes a concerns and complaints flowchart as the process has been simplified.
Schooldocs have included wording about the type of attendance information that is shared with the Ministry of Education. Also they have added new wording about how parents/caregivers should notify the school if their child is going to be absent.
Schooldoc also has added a section about following up unexplained absences
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Username: raroa
Password: aspire