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Photo by The Raroan

KINDO news

The Rāroan —

Online EFTPOS now available

Kindo now offers another way to make school payments. School families can now enjoy using online EFTPOS with the following banks when using myKindo. Currently there are 5 banks available with more coming on as Paymark set them up. Check out our support page for more information.

Image by: The Rāroan

Kindo now offers Online EFTPOS for school payments

You can now enjoy using online EFTPOS with the following banks when making payments on your mykindo account- ANZ, ASB, BNZ, Co-operative Bank and Westpac. Check out the support page for more information.

If you don't bank with one of the above banks
The Online EFTPOS team are currently working to bring on other banks.

They will happily pass on your feedback if you drop them an email at oesupport@paymark.co.nz, to let them know who you bank with and how much you’d love to see Online EFTPOS! If you feel generous to contact your bank directly, it’ll help them even more.