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Photo by The Rāroan

Rāroa Orchestra Trip / Wellington Music Festival to Scots College

The Rāroan —

On Thursday 25th August, Rāroa Orchestra went to the Wellington Music Festival held at Scots College.

I’ve never played in a really big orchestra before. Performing at the end of the day was my favourite part. The conductor travelled from Christchurch for the day to work with us. It was interesting to play a few different pieces. We played a Beethoven piece, a piece from the Footrot Flats musical, something from ABBA and something from Pirates of the Caribbean. Thank you Ms Fa'alogo and Alex for taking us. Penny Pearson

The trip that we went on will be one of the most memorable things in my time at Rāroa as a year seven student. Out of all of the ensembles and orchestras that I have been in, this one was probably the best. It's wonderful to hear the booming sound of the full orchestra while you give it your all. Every person counts towards making these types of events happen. Thank you for taking us to the festival Ms Fa'alogo and Alex. Alex Jenkins

Once we got to Scots College, I got to practice the music with lots of other stringed instruments. It was amazing to finally hear how the whole orchestra sounded together and being able to play music with lots of talented people. When we all went to perform in front of parents and music teachers, it was a bit nerve racking and scary but once we started it felt so great, once it started to make music with others. It was a really fun opportunity and I’m super happy to have gone. Lizzie Hyatt