Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

A Word from the Principal

The Rāroan —

Kia ora tātou, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa,

We warmly welcome students back from the break and we are looking ahead to another exciting term at Rāroa. Our students have returned to school refreshed, motivated and pleased to be back with their teachers and friends. This was evident during Wednesday’s cross country, which was high energy and all smiles. The effort and commitment to the event was outstanding as was the kindness and support that students were showing towards each other.

This term will provide positive reflection and celebration with the upcoming Rāroa Jubilee. Rāroa’s rich history of excellence and innovation has shaped what the school is today. It is a school that has been defined by high quality teaching and strong emphasis on whanaungatanga, or building relationships, to enhance the learning experience and strengthen student engagement. Rāroa’s success is credited to current and past principals, teachers, staff, students and their parents. The Jubilee will provide the opportunity to acknowledge and show gratitude for everyone’s contribution to the school over the years.

Ngā mihi

Stephen Eames