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Immunisation forms for year 7's

The Rāroan —

Kia ora parents/caregivers,

Within the next couple of days, your child should come home with an immunisation form (Boostrix and HPV).

The School based Immunisation team is coming to Rāroa Normal Intermediate School in Term 2 (11 June) to hold the immunisation clinics for Year 7 students. The National Public Health Service requires that all year 7 students return a form. It is really important that the "Immunisation Consent" section and "tick boxes" are completed as well as Sections "A" and/or "B" as appropriate. This will avoid the need for a Clinical Nurse to contact parents/caregivers individually.

It would be appreciated if the form could be completed and returned as soon as possible to the box in the school office so the Team can complete all necessary checks. If your child does not bring home a form, additional forms are available in the school office.

If you have any questions about the form, please do not hesitate to contact the Team on 04 587 2949 or email RES-Immunisation@huttvalleydhb.org.nz

Ngā mihi
