Hero photograph
Genevieve, Room 10, in her Kākahu
Photo by The Rāroan

Term 4 and summer is coming - Word from the Tumuaki/Principal

The Rāroan —

Kia ora e te Rāroa Whānau

I hope everyone had a nice holiday break and also enjoyed the three day weekend. Students have definitely returned enthusiastically and full of energy entering the final term of 2022.

Term 4 at Rāroa is an exciting term, year 8s are readying themselves for high school and our year 7s are preparing for their move into their second year of intermediate.

It is a term of celebration, where we acknowledge success and achievement in its widest sense. An area we often celebrate is the increased confidence and independence that students show after two years at an intermediate. Already we are seeing the magnificent growth of our students as the transition into young adults.

With summer on its way the weather is improving, increasing outdoor opportunities and everyone’s general sense of well-being. 

Ngā mihi 

Stephen Eames
