Hero photograph
Photo by The Rāroan

Covid-19 Update

The Rāroan —

Covid-19 continues to affect us, but life goes on at Rāroa.

This term we have had a number of staff and students out of school with Covid-19. We currently have 17 students at home with Covid. This represents a slow steady progression of the virus through our school. As we enter the winter months, other illnesses such as colds have also made their annual appearance. Rāroa continues to encourage simple hygiene measures that can reduce the spread of all the bugs that are going around. This includes the use of masks, handwashing and coughing into your elbow. Most important is staying home if you are sick with any bug, and taking a RAT test to check for Covid-19. RAT tests are available in the school office for any whānau who needs one to test their symptomatic child.