Hero photograph
Photo by The Raroan

Wrapperless Lunches!

The Raroa Enviro Army —

With plastic free July fast approaching, we thought it would be a timely reminder that Raroa Intermediate is aiming to be a wrapperless lunch school. The Raroa Enviro Army want to work hard to see our school be the best it can be and have a positive impact on our environment.

Why Are Wrapperless Lunches So Important?

Plastic is horrible for the Earth. Did you know all the plastic ever created is still present somewhere on our planet, whether that be buried in a landfill, in the ocean, or above ground?! Bringing wrapperless lunches to school shows that we are willing to put in the effort to make a difference to our environment.

How do I bring a wrapperless lunch?

It is simple, just make sure no one-use plastic is present in your lunch box. Put food in reusable containers, use beeswax/honey wraps, make homemade versions of your favourites foods, buy in bulk instead of individual wrappers. Link to homemade potato chips

We understand that bringing a wrapperless lunch may be a big change for some families but we think it is worth the effort. Our planet is worth the effort!

“We don’t need a handful of people doing plastic free perfectly. We need millions of people doing plastic free imperfectly”